

Global America Financial Brokerage LLC (GAF) is an Independent Financial Services Firm offering safe-money, cutting-edge financial based products and concepts to educate and empower Americans. GAF provides solutions that address the unique financial challenges for individuals, families, and businesses. We help our clients build a solid but more importantly a reliable plans and programs so they take control of their financial future.

Our strengths include:

• Retirement Planning
• Elimination of Debt
• Income / Asset Protection
• College Funding
• Protection of Family
• 401(k) Rollovers, IRA, Roth IRA, 403(b), 457 and much more
• Individual and Group Health Insurance
• Disability Insurance, Cancer & Long Term Care Insurance
• Affordable Care Act
• Medicare, Final Expense and Senior Products
• Buys Sell Agreements, Key Man, Executive Bonus, Business Continuation Plans
• Life Insurance
• Annuities
• Dental Plans
• Mortgage Protection
• Financial Help for Parents
• Preserving your Estate

Email Address info@gafmail.net

Contact Number: (817) 841-8150

Schedule Your Appointment with

Global America Financial

Learn More About Our Team

Arturo Valdez

Chief Executive Officer

Colby Cox

Executive Vice President

Arlene Victoria

Agent Service Specialist